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Skill gain

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 6:49 am
by Calix
Right, we've already got Ingo's dungeon gain change in, meaning every gain has a 50% chance to become a 0.2 instead of a 0.1 when inside a dungeon/ll.

Was looking into it today, and considering how we need to expand on the basic runuo system for skill gain, which doesn't differentiate between different skills except for the few target-difficulty based skills like taming and picking and whether you have anti-macro code enabled for each skill or not.

Found an interesting method on RunUO forums anyway. Before I do code overload, this is how it works, basically:

Between 00.0 and 70.0(or whatever skill level you pick) You have a % chance to gain based on each individual skill. In the code below it's between 9% and 12% chance, but I think we'd make it harder for some skills, and much easier for others.

Then from 70.1 you have a slightly decreased chance of gaining(I think we'd go for 90.1). It then slows down again from 100.1.

There's also some code for changing stat gain speed in here, not sure if we need it.

This is the basic code from someone else's script, doesn't include any of our other changes. Thoughts?

Code: Select all

using System;
using Server;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Factions;
using Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2;

namespace Server.Misc
    public class SkillCheck
        private const bool AntiMacroCode = true;        //Change this to false to disable anti-macro code

        public static TimeSpan AntiMacroExpire = TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 5.0 ); //How long do we remember targets/locations?
        public const int Allowance = 3;    //How many times may we use the same location/target for gain
        private const int LocationSize = 5; //The size of eeach location, make this smaller so players dont have to move as far
        private static bool[] UseAntiMacro = new bool[]
            // true if this skill uses the anti-macro code, false if it does not
            false,// Alchemy = 0,
            true,// Anatomy = 1,
            true,// AnimalLore = 2,
            true,// ItemID = 3,
            true,// ArmsLore = 4,
            false,// Parry = 5,
            true,// Begging = 6,
            false,// Blacksmith = 7,
            false,// Fletching = 8,
            true,// Peacemaking = 9,
            true,// Camping = 10,
            false,// Carpentry = 11,
            false,// Cartography = 12,
            false,// Cooking = 13,
            true,// DetectHidden = 14,
            true,// Discordance = 15,
            true,// EvalInt = 16,
            true,// Healing = 17,
            true,// Fishing = 18,
            true,// Forensics = 19,
            true,// Herding = 20,
            true,// Hiding = 21,
            true,// Provocation = 22,
            false,// Inscribe = 23,
            true,// Lockpicking = 24,
            true,// Magery = 25,
            true,// MagicResist = 26,
            false,// Tactics = 27,
            true,// Snooping = 28,
            true,// Musicianship = 29,
            true,// Poisoning = 30,
            false,// Archery = 31,
            true,// SpiritSpeak = 32,
            true,// Stealing = 33,
            false,// Tailoring = 34,
            true,// AnimalTaming = 35,
            true,// TasteID = 36,
            false,// Tinkering = 37,
            true,// Tracking = 38,
            true,// Veterinary = 39,
            false,// Swords = 40,
            false,// Macing = 41,
            false,// Fencing = 42,
            false,// Wrestling = 43,
            true,// Lumberjacking = 44,
            true,// Mining = 45,
            true,// Meditation = 46,
            true,// Stealth = 47,
            true,// RemoveTrap = 48,
            true,// Necromancy = 49,
            false,// Focus = 50,
            true,// Chivalry = 51


        public static void Initialize()
// Begin mod to enable XmlSpawner skill triggering
           Mobile.SkillCheckLocationHandler = new SkillCheckLocationHandler( XmlSpawnerSkillCheck.Mobile_SkillCheckLocation );
           Mobile.SkillCheckDirectLocationHandler = new SkillCheckDirectLocationHandler( XmlSpawnerSkillCheck.Mobile_SkillCheckDirectLocation );

           Mobile.SkillCheckTargetHandler = new SkillCheckTargetHandler( XmlSpawnerSkillCheck.Mobile_SkillCheckTarget );
           Mobile.SkillCheckDirectTargetHandler = new SkillCheckDirectTargetHandler( XmlSpawnerSkillCheck.Mobile_SkillCheckDirectTarget );
// End mod to enable XmlSpawner skill triggering
            //Mobile.SkillCheckLocationHandler = new SkillCheckLocationHandler( Mobile_SkillCheckLocation );
            //Mobile.SkillCheckDirectLocationHandler = new SkillCheckDirectLocationHandler( Mobile_SkillCheckDirectLocation );

            //Mobile.SkillCheckTargetHandler = new SkillCheckTargetHandler( Mobile_SkillCheckTarget );
            //Mobile.SkillCheckDirectTargetHandler = new SkillCheckDirectTargetHandler( Mobile_SkillCheckDirectTarget );

            //This Table used to set the base chance to gain skill between 40 and 70
            //for instance .15 would be a 15% chance to gain in the particular skill
            SkillInfo.Table[0].GainFactor = .12;// Alchemy = 0, 
            SkillInfo.Table[1].GainFactor = .10;// Anatomy = 1, 
            SkillInfo.Table[2].GainFactor = .10;// AnimalLore = 2, 
            SkillInfo.Table[3].GainFactor = .10;// ItemID = 3, 
            SkillInfo.Table[4].GainFactor = .10;// ArmsLore = 4, 
            SkillInfo.Table[5].GainFactor = .11;// Parry = 5, 
            SkillInfo.Table[6].GainFactor = .10;// Begging = 6, 
            SkillInfo.Table[7].GainFactor = .12;// Blacksmith = 7, 
            SkillInfo.Table[8].GainFactor = .12;// Fletching = 8, 
            SkillInfo.Table[9].GainFactor = .12;// Peacemaking = 9, 
            SkillInfo.Table[10].GainFactor = .12;// Camping = 10, 
            SkillInfo.Table[11].GainFactor = .12;// Carpentry = 11, 
            SkillInfo.Table[12].GainFactor = .12;// Cartography = 12, 
            SkillInfo.Table[13].GainFactor = .10;// Cooking = 13, 
            SkillInfo.Table[14].GainFactor = .10;// DetectHidden = 14, 
            SkillInfo.Table[15].GainFactor = .11;// Discordance = 15, 
            SkillInfo.Table[16].GainFactor = .10;// EvalInt = 16, 
            SkillInfo.Table[17].GainFactor = .10;// Healing = 17, 
            SkillInfo.Table[18].GainFactor = .12;// Fishing = 18, 
            SkillInfo.Table[19].GainFactor = .12;// Forensics = 19, 
            SkillInfo.Table[20].GainFactor = .10;// Herding = 20, 
            SkillInfo.Table[21].GainFactor = .12;// Hiding = 21, 
            SkillInfo.Table[22].GainFactor = .11;// Provocation = 22, 
            SkillInfo.Table[23].GainFactor = .12;// Inscribe = 23, 
            SkillInfo.Table[24].GainFactor = .12;// Lockpicking = 24, 
            SkillInfo.Table[25].GainFactor = .10;// Magery = 25, 
            SkillInfo.Table[26].GainFactor = .12;// MagicResist = 26, 
            SkillInfo.Table[27].GainFactor = .10;// Tactics = 27, 
            SkillInfo.Table[28].GainFactor = .12;// Snooping = 28, 
            SkillInfo.Table[29].GainFactor = .11;// Musicianship = 29, 
            SkillInfo.Table[30].GainFactor = .12;// Poisoning = 30,
            SkillInfo.Table[31].GainFactor = .12;// Archery = 31,
            SkillInfo.Table[32].GainFactor = .10;// SpiritSpeak = 32,
            SkillInfo.Table[33].GainFactor = .10;// Stealing = 33,
            SkillInfo.Table[34].GainFactor = .12;// Tailoring = 34, 
            SkillInfo.Table[35].GainFactor = .12;// AnimalTaming = 35,
            SkillInfo.Table[36].GainFactor = .10;// TasteID = 36,
            SkillInfo.Table[37].GainFactor = .12;// Tinkering = 37,
            SkillInfo.Table[38].GainFactor = .10;// Tracking = 38,
            SkillInfo.Table[39].GainFactor = .12;// Veterinary = 39,
            SkillInfo.Table[40].GainFactor = .12;// Swords = 40,
            SkillInfo.Table[41].GainFactor = .12;// Macing = 41,
            SkillInfo.Table[42].GainFactor = .12;// Fencing = 42,
            SkillInfo.Table[43].GainFactor = .12;// Wrestling = 43,
            SkillInfo.Table[44].GainFactor = .12;// Lumberjacking = 44,
            SkillInfo.Table[45].GainFactor = .12;// Mining = 45,
            SkillInfo.Table[46].GainFactor = .10;// Meditation = 46,
            SkillInfo.Table[47].GainFactor = .11;// Stealth = 47,
            SkillInfo.Table[48].GainFactor = .12;// RemoveTrap = 48, 
            SkillInfo.Table[49].GainFactor = .09;// Necromancy = 49,
            SkillInfo.Table[50].GainFactor = .10;// Focus = 50,
            SkillInfo.Table[51].GainFactor = .12;// Chivalry = 51


        public static bool Mobile_SkillCheckLocation( Mobile from, SkillName skillName, double minSkill, double maxSkill )
            Skill skill = from.Skills[skillName];

            if ( skill == null )
                return false;

            double value = skill.Value;

            if ( value < minSkill )
                return false; // Too difficult
            else if ( value >= maxSkill )
                return true; // No challenge

            double chance = (value - minSkill) / (maxSkill - minSkill);

            Point2D loc = new Point2D( from.Location.X / LocationSize, from.Location.Y / LocationSize );
            return CheckSkill( from, skill, loc, chance );

        public static bool Mobile_SkillCheckDirectLocation( Mobile from, SkillName skillName, double chance )
            Skill skill = from.Skills[skillName];

            if ( skill == null )
                return false;

            if ( chance < 0.0 )
                return false; // Too difficult
            else if ( chance >= 1.0 )
                return true; // No challenge

            Point2D loc = new Point2D( from.Location.X / LocationSize, from.Location.Y / LocationSize );
            return CheckSkill( from, skill, loc, chance );

        public static bool CheckSkill( Mobile from, Skill skill, object amObj, double chance )
            if ( from.Skills.Cap == 0 )
                return false;

            bool success = ( chance >= Utility.RandomDouble() );

            double LowSkillMod = .10; // percent added to skill gain for skill between 0 - 40
            double BaseSkillGain = skill.Info.GainFactor;  // base percent to gain at skill between 40 - 70 set in table above.
            double HighSkillMod = .09; // percent subtracted from base gain for skill between 70 - 100
            double AboveGmSkillMod = .09; // percent subtracted from base gain for skill over 100
            //Example: Player Skill is 85.3 - We would take the 15% base chance and subtract 8% - Player now has a 7% chance to gain.
//**************************************************  **************************************************  *************//

            double ComputedSkillMod = 0; // holds the percent chance to gain after checking players skill

            if ( skill.Base < 40.1 ) 
                ComputedSkillMod = BaseSkillGain + LowSkillMod;                 
            else if ( skill.Base < 70.1 ) 
                ComputedSkillMod = BaseSkillGain;                 
            else if ( skill.Base < 100.1 ) 
                ComputedSkillMod = BaseSkillGain - HighSkillMod;                
            else if ( skill.Base > 100.0 ) 
                ComputedSkillMod = BaseSkillGain - AboveGmSkillMod;  

            if ( ComputedSkillMod < 0.01 ) 
                ComputedSkillMod = 0.01;

            //following line used to see chance to gain ingame
            //from.SendMessage( "Your chance to gain {0} is {1}",skill.Name, ComputedSkillMod );

            if ( from is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)from).Controlled )
                ComputedSkillMod *= 2;

            if ( from.Alive && ( ( ComputedSkillMod >= Utility.RandomDouble() && AllowGain( from, skill, amObj ) ) || skill.Base < 10.0 ) ) 
                Gain( from, skill );

            return success;

        public static bool Mobile_SkillCheckTarget( Mobile from, SkillName skillName, object target, double minSkill, double maxSkill )
            Skill skill = from.Skills[skillName];

            if ( skill == null )
                return false;

            double value = skill.Value;

            if ( value < minSkill )
                return false; // Too difficult
            else if ( value >= maxSkill )
                return true; // No challenge

            double chance = (value - minSkill) / (maxSkill - minSkill);

            return CheckSkill( from, skill, target, chance );

        public static bool Mobile_SkillCheckDirectTarget( Mobile from, SkillName skillName, object target, double chance )
            Skill skill = from.Skills[skillName];

            if ( skill == null )
                return false;

            if ( chance < 0.0 )
                return false; // Too difficult
            else if ( chance >= 1.0 )
                return true; // No challenge

            return CheckSkill( from, skill, target, chance );

        private static bool AllowGain( Mobile from, Skill skill, object obj )
            if ( from is PlayerMobile && AntiMacroCode && UseAntiMacro[skill.Info.SkillID] )
                return ((PlayerMobile)from).AntiMacroCheck( skill, obj );
                return true;

        public enum Stat { Str, Dex, Int }

        public static void Gain( Mobile from, Skill skill )
            if ( from.Region.IsPartOf( typeof( Regions.Jail ) ) )

            if ( from is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)from).IsDeadPet )

            if ( skill.SkillName == SkillName.Focus && from is BaseCreature )

            if ( skill.Base < skill.Cap && skill.Lock == SkillLock.Up )
                int toGain = 1;

                if ( skill.Base <= 10.0 )
                    toGain = Utility.Random( 4 ) + 1;

                Skills skills = from.Skills;

                if ( ( skills.Total / skills.Cap ) >= Utility.RandomDouble() )//( skills.Total >= skills.Cap )
                    for ( int i = 0; i < skills.Length; ++i )
                        Skill toLower = skills[i];

                        if ( toLower != skill && toLower.Lock == SkillLock.Down && toLower.BaseFixedPoint >= toGain )
                            toLower.BaseFixedPoint -= toGain;
                #region Mondain's Legacy
                if ( from is PlayerMobile )
                    if ( Server.Engines.Quests.QuestHelper.EnhancedSkill( (PlayerMobile) from, skill ) )
                        toGain *= Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 4 );
                #region Scroll of Alacrity
                PlayerMobile pm = from as PlayerMobile;

                if ( from is PlayerMobile )
                    if (pm != null && skill.SkillName == pm.AcceleratedSkill && pm.AcceleratedStart > DateTime.Now)
                    toGain *= Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 5);
                if ( (skills.Total + toGain) <= skills.Cap )
                    skill.BaseFixedPoint += toGain;
            #region Mondain's Legacy
            if ( from is PlayerMobile )
                Server.Engines.Quests.QuestHelper.CheckSkill( (PlayerMobile) from, skill );

            if ( skill.Lock == SkillLock.Up )
                SkillInfo info = skill.Info;

                double StatGainBonus = .05; //Extra chance to gain in stats. Left at 0 would be default runuo gains.
//**************************************************  **************************************************  **************************************//

                if ( from.StrLock == StatLockType.Up && ((info.StrGain / 33.3) + StatGainBonus) > Utility.RandomDouble() )
                    if( info.StrGain != 0 )
                    GainStat( from, Stat.Str );
                else if ( from.DexLock == StatLockType.Up && ((info.DexGain / 33.3) + StatGainBonus) > Utility.RandomDouble() )
                    if( info.DexGain != 0 )
                    GainStat( from, Stat.Dex );
                else if ( from.IntLock == StatLockType.Up && ((info.IntGain / 33.3) + StatGainBonus) > Utility.RandomDouble() )
                    if( info.IntGain != 0 )    
                    GainStat( from, Stat.Int );
                //following line used to show chance to gain stats ingame
                //from.SendMessage( "Str: {0} Dex: {1} Int: {2}",((info.StrGain / 33.3) + StatGainBonus),((info.DexGain / 33.3) + StatGainBonus),((info.IntGain / 33.3) + StatGainBonus) );

        public static bool CanLower( Mobile from, Stat stat )
            switch ( stat )
                case Stat.Str: return ( from.StrLock == StatLockType.Down && from.RawStr > 10 );
                case Stat.Dex: return ( from.DexLock == StatLockType.Down && from.RawDex > 10 );
                case Stat.Int: return ( from.IntLock == StatLockType.Down && from.RawInt > 10 );

            return false;

        public static bool CanRaise( Mobile from, Stat stat )
            if ( !(from is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)from).Controlled) )
                if ( from.RawStatTotal >= from.StatCap )
                    return false;

            switch ( stat )
                case Stat.Str: return ( from.StrLock == StatLockType.Up && from.RawStr < 125 );
                case Stat.Dex: return ( from.DexLock == StatLockType.Up && from.RawDex < 125 );
                case Stat.Int: return ( from.IntLock == StatLockType.Up && from.RawInt < 125 );

            return false;

        public static void IncreaseStat( Mobile from, Stat stat, bool atrophy )
            atrophy = atrophy || (from.RawStatTotal >= from.StatCap);

            switch ( stat )
                case Stat.Str:
                    if ( atrophy )
                        if ( CanLower( from, Stat.Dex ) && (from.RawDex < from.RawInt || !CanLower( from, Stat.Int )) )
                        else if ( CanLower( from, Stat.Int ) )

                    if ( CanRaise( from, Stat.Str ) )

                case Stat.Dex:
                    if ( atrophy )
                        if ( CanLower( from, Stat.Str ) && (from.RawStr < from.RawInt || !CanLower( from, Stat.Int )) )
                        else if ( CanLower( from, Stat.Int ) )

                    if ( CanRaise( from, Stat.Dex ) )

                case Stat.Int:
                    if ( atrophy )
                        if ( CanLower( from, Stat.Str ) && (from.RawStr < from.RawDex || !CanLower( from, Stat.Dex )) )
                        else if ( CanLower( from, Stat.Dex ) )

                    if ( CanRaise( from, Stat.Int ) )


        private static TimeSpan m_StatGainDelay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 15.0 );
        private static TimeSpan m_PetStatGainDelay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 5.0 );

        public static void GainStat( Mobile from, Stat stat )
            switch( stat )
                case Stat.Str:
                    if ( from is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)from).Controlled ) {
                        if ( (from.LastStrGain + m_PetStatGainDelay) >= DateTime.Now )
                    else if( (from.LastStrGain + m_StatGainDelay) >= DateTime.Now )

                    from.LastStrGain = DateTime.Now;
                case Stat.Dex:
                    if ( from is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)from).Controlled ) {
                        if ( (from.LastDexGain + m_PetStatGainDelay) >= DateTime.Now )
                    else if( (from.LastDexGain + m_StatGainDelay) >= DateTime.Now )

                    from.LastDexGain = DateTime.Now;
                case Stat.Int:
                    if ( from is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)from).Controlled ) {
                        if ( (from.LastIntGain + m_PetStatGainDelay) >= DateTime.Now )

                    else if( (from.LastIntGain + m_StatGainDelay) >= DateTime.Now )

                    from.LastIntGain = DateTime.Now;

            bool atrophy = ( (from.RawStatTotal / (double)from.StatCap) >= Utility.RandomDouble() );

            IncreaseStat( from, stat, atrophy );

Re: Skill gain

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 6:54 am
by Calix
Not that I can get any of that to compile..

Re: Skill gain

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 10:32 pm
by Calix

Re: Skill gain

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 12:01 pm
by Superfast Oz
The last post basically gains on every single use below 80 (I think), and every use also has the normal check for a gain.

Would be ridiculous speed! A much better method would be to use the healing conditional to modify the gainchance.