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Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:59 pm
by Calix
Lady Redname wrote:(not giving you fuckers the name since you will probably start txting her show)
You already did nob, and linked a webpage...

@Rest: I'm jealous. But we require pics.

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:49 am
by Lady Redname
not on the forum though (did i?)

i drink a lot i forget these things.

Also there is no real pics, i might be able to get you a few but i dont carry my camera around on nights out since people attempted to mug me (just realised i didn't include that in post)

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:35 pm
by Villa
Would you realise if someone tried to mug you, or would you think they were just touching you up for a cheap thrill?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:21 pm
by Future
Even after all this time that pic of fatal pleasuring Ronald still makes me chuckle

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:39 am
by Lady Redname
I went to the running of the bulls a few days ago

maddest party ever, there was people everywhere and we were walking around spraying alcohol into random peoples faces.
I also wore an awsome wig all night that everyone i ran into stole
Unfortunatly i didnt get to have sex in a field because we couldnt find any empty fields..

pics are on facebook

also i moved into my flat, its awsome. will get you pics later

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:46 pm
by Villa
Slamer who are you travelling with?
You say 'we' a lot yet you aren't in France.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:52 am
by Lady Redname
Im on my own, but it only took me a couple of days to meet loads of people

the 'we' there was about 5 people i work with, as well as a bus full of 30 other people who paid us to take them along

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:23 pm
by Villa
You seem to make friends quite easily.
What is the secret of your success?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 2:43 am
by Lady Redname
Alcohol and sex are my 2 best skills

i abuse them both until people like me

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:11 am
by Benn
Lady Redname wrote:Drugs and rape are my 2 best skills

i abuse them both until people like me
fixed for you

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:40 pm
by Lady Redname
drugs and rape are up there, but i am still practicing and experimenting with them so they are not quite top yet

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:20 pm
by Padaxus
Villa wrote:You seem to make friends quite easily.
What is the secret of your success?
Hes not black or Asian!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:19 am
by Lady Redname
This all happened today, and amazingly, some of us still have jobs

Small background to this story, the guys i work for have 3 Businesses. 2 bars and a tour company, each has diff staff working for each one but we all know each other and help out when they need us, in return we get free stuff

2 of the staff who work for travel bound (the tour company) are:

Nick: American guy, always helpfull - never thinks things all the way through

Steve: from Manchester, he is a fucking prick - no one likes him and he has only been tolerated this long because he has been telling everyone he is the owners nephew (turns out that was a lie) and the owner is also a prick but since he owns 3 businesses we all try and lay low around him. Steve makes me look like a shining white knight when it comes to Sleaziness and standards, he will come on the pub crawl and tell all the girls he owns, while stealing drinks from people and slagging off the other staff - one of his best quotes he has said to me: "Theo (pub crawl boss) answers to me, i tell him what to do so now i am telling you to buy these 3 girls drinks"

Onto today and Nick and Steve have been arranging the tour for La Tomatina :

I am doing the pub crawl and its about 3am and Steve walks in and says 'Don't get to drunk tonight because the bus for La Tomatina leaves at 5am and you need to look good for the company - he then proceeds to drink about 8 shots in a row

5am comes around and we have 90 people assembled at the meeting point for the bus (everyone paid 65 Euro each to come on this - 65 x 90 = 5850€ - so it is a big money spinner)

5:30am rolls around and the bus turns up at last - Nick takes the first smaller bus, Steve the larger one (which i am also on)

I am near the back and pretty drunk, I speak to the guys behind me briefly then attempt to sleep - Katie works for the bar and i don't know her well but she is completely out of it, this is a cue for Steve to push another girl out of the way and try to kiss her. At some point he manages this but Katie then falls asleep, That is Steve's que to take her top off and move her hand down his jeans - everyone around him on the bus tells him to stop until Katie wakes up and kicks off big time, she was going to murder him so he decided it was time for a toilet break and made the bus stop for 45 min while i calmed everyone down

We eventually got moving again and Katie had passed out, so there was no massive drama bomb until Steve tried to crack onto a diff girl who was also drunk - but she was slightly more with it because she just told him 'fuck off you creepy perv' That caused Steve to lose it and then we got 10 min of him telling a guest who had paid 60€ to be on the bus "you are getting off the bus at the next stop you Aussie whore, go fuck yourself etc etc... Eventually we calmed that down, then we had another 30 min stop for no reason, except i do know that when we left there was still at least 3 people inside the shop (god knows what happened to them, we were in the middle of no where)

This is just part 1 of the story, im feeling a bit light headed due to the nausea i got after getting a needle stuck in my arse in the hospital at the end of the night - will finish tomorrow

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 2:50 pm
by Lady Redname
part 2 and im skipping forward 3 hours to about 10:30am, the rest of the bus ride had carried on as it had before, including 2 more stops

as we get closer to the 11am start time it starts to become pretty clear we are going to miss it, so Steve starts panicking at all the questions and pretty much hides at the back of the bus, i called Nick to find out wtf was going on, and there bus had already arrived (we were still 45 min out)

I managed to arrange with the driver a drop off and pick up point, let everyone on the bus know and gave the people lots of free booze, we eventually arrived just in time to hear the final firework signalling the end of the event (yay)

Regardless of this i was determined to have a good day so i went off with some of the other staff and we danced and partied lots - during the course of the day i had 10 people come up to me and tell me they wanted there money back, i deflected the questions as much as i could

At some point during the day i saw Steve having an Argument with a police officer, i sat back and didn't attempt to intervene as he had his ass thrown in the back of a riot van. As the end of the day rolled around i went back up to the bus and was greeted by a crowd of angry people, Nick was already on the bus on the phone to the office getting a severe bollocking from the big boss. At some point of the day i took a pretty heavy knock to the side of my face, this coupled with the seriously bad toothache i have been having put me in agony (luckily it also meant i couldn't talk so i managed to avoid a lot of complaints from people)

Steve turned up at some point - everyone looked unhappy when this happened. The 4:30 meeting time came and the bus left, leaving behind roughly 10 people and 2 staff - the drunk Katie from earlier, and another Katy who works in the bar. Both of them were just wearing Bikinis and no phones/money/keys on them (this is the last i know of where they are, I don't think either have arrived at work today but i havnt checked in a few hours) On the way back we spoke to the office and they agreed to partially refund the people who complained as well as offer free pub crawls, food and whatever was needed to shut them up, this settled most of the people for most of the journey

When we got back from Barcelona i headed back to the bar to try and sort out the pub crawl for the evening, by this point my tooth ache had hit the 'cant talk cant eat can only mumble' stage. I had been in the bar for 2 minutes before someone runs in grabs me and goes "COME WITH ME YOUR MATE HAS BEEN KNOCKED OUT"

I actually assumed it was Steve, but unfortunately, while Nick had been cleaning the bus someone had come on and accused him of stealing there money and passport (????) from the bus. I don't know the full story but this guy was huge and decided to beat the crap out of Nick. I got back to the bus to see 2 police cars and an Ambulance and about 14 diff stories of what happened - i called the boss and was told 'can you sort it we are a bit busy with the 40 people at our door complaining'

Nick went off to hospital, the guy went off in a police car. At some point Steve was called and fired, causing him to have a go at me as well as the crowd still demanding money back. My tooth was causing me unreal pain and i still had a pub crawl to sort out. I went back to the bar, my boss took 1 look at me (i hadn't eaten since 7pm the night before, and was sweating like mad)

He called a taxi and sent me off to the hospital and i waited there for hours, the nurses took 1 look at me and went 'BIG HOLE DROP PANTALOON' (which is trousers for you none Spanish speakers) she then pulled out a giant needle and injected me with something, walked off and all of 30 seconds later i passed out (i think this was the pain and lack of food mainly + whatever they injected me with)

I woke up, was sick into a bin and after they made me lay down for 30 min allowed to leave, still with a painful tooth and orders to go to a dentist (i tried to go earlier, they told me to go back soon)

I don't know if anything has happened today since i have only spoken to 1 person but the full summary of this trip is:

90 complaints
2 people arrested (1 staff, 1 guy)
Several people left in service stations along the way
1 staff member fired
Multiple people left in Brunol including 2 staff (location unknown)
2 staff in hospital (Nick got out about 3 hours later, going to have 2 black eyes and a swollen face, but should be fine)
upwards of 3000 euro refunded

and best of all

0 tomatoes thrown.

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:05 pm
by Benn