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Drachenfels Dueling League

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:05 pm
by Nixon
As promised.

The big one, the rules. First off, these maybe changed at any time due to Publishes changes or completly overpowering templates.


No specials
No wands
No field/area spells(this includes wither)/invis/hiding/hit fireball-light etc
5 Pots per person only

Tie = If after 10 minutes, there is no winner, the duel goes to a no heal round. In a pot duel, you may use any pots you have left. In a no pot duel, its simply all out attack.

Many will question the pot rule. Well, this open for debate before EVERY duel. Both oppenents can agree not to use pots.

If anyone sees any rules missing or has a problem with rules listed, then fire away. For just now it is open for discussion, however, you must support your arguements constructively otherwise I will not really consder the point.


Entrance fee for each tournement is 50k.

The money will be distributed as follows.

35% = 1st Place in a Tournement
30% = To the year prize pot. The winner at the end of the season takes a large majority
20% = 2nd Place in a Tournement
10% = 3rd Place in a Tournement
5% = To myself. This is to cover running costs etc

Point system

3 Points = Win
2 Points = Win in no Heal round
1 Point = Lost no heal Round (i,e tied after 10 minutes)

The league will also have the number of tournements competed in. If at the end of the season two players have the same amount of points, but one has competed in LESS tournements, they finish above the other player.

In the event of a 1st/2nd place tie at the end of the season, there will be a match off.

The duels

Normal Round = Best of 1
Semi Final Round = Best of 3
Final Round = Best of 5

When do the tournements take place?

I'll aim to run one about the middle of every month. The tournement for this month will run later than usual. I will also try to alternate some days to allow people who have rl commitments to attend at least a few.

I think I've covered all the points, let me know of any questions etc.