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8.12.2007 I-C's are out!

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:48 am
by WildCat
Well I-C decides to lure people to get fights and such! First starts with Desp.... and .aVa appears!

I dont think we had many drops from I-C team, one or two? Three? Though I-C pushed .aVa back many times

Here's some screenies from fights:

Keyoke was with .aVa too

Zampano attacking us too, so we take him down!

Oh no! PVP! appeared ! >.<

After .aVa's wipe, they got restocked again and came back

I blame this death on Calix, for not giving me a heal.. I will poke him with a sharp stick for atleast 5 months for this

I get ressed and Antihero tries reskill attempt

I missed few screenies here middle, but .aVa fell down again and last kill was Soulfear at second Despise level

Next fight is at Marble... well not Marble the other champ place under Marble(?)

.aVa appears there and first screenshot of the fight

I think Horizon chose a bit wrong place to teleport to O.o

Horizon gets ressed so he can get away from that spot

.aVa restocks and about 5 minutes later are seen again

The fights goes further to North

After wipe.. they restock and come back again

Ended up with Horizon and Witchcraft fleeing away.. I think Witchcraft got away but Horizon didnt get too far

Could continue again with Neira!

.aVa appears once again!

I found SoulFear alone... but he didnt really wanna fight me for some reason O.o

I cant bother after chasing, so go back and kill Neira \o/

Decided to attract more people as it is closer to PVP!'s clock time so might get fights against PVP!

But somehow came no fights! :(

But got few cool PvM screenshots!

Champ killed and nobody appeared O.o

Wild's solo run! Ran almost everywhere and found two PvMrs just

First victim

These two were there, other got away

Then it is fooling around at Yew Gate, Art of War calling us cheaters, being killed in GZ few times, etc. etc. Well I guess screenshots says it all


Here Bud attacked Magical Wizard but got killed

Oh noes! I got fooled by Art of War... she made me go to Trinsic Moongate! T.T

I guess she ment speedhack and not "speed dial"

Morth making fun of her

Art of War killed inside GZ while nobody was flagged

Morth fools Amber... they were ment to throw explo+fs on Art of War, so Morth throws... but doesnt target at all on Art of War and when Amber targeted he shouts out guards guards so Amber dies

Art of Wars is careful now

Hearing there is a rat spawn being done at Oasis so we go there... but Calix seems to have killed everyone O.o

Barracoon appears and Polar bear crew kills it

Polar bear group got to Yew then

TiMi having 1 vs 1 fight against a Polar bear.. but ends up in house O.o

This time Joe won... by calling guards on Morth!

Seems it was DSoU's spawn we took over at Oasis...

Now we got all paged by Art of War twin

Wait.. what? So I am speedhacking because he lags? eh? Doesnt make sense?

I get him to do a 1 vs 1 fight at Yew Roof (I chased him there, actually was waiting that his stealther friend would dismount me) Well it ends up that he runs towards his house and notices that he cant go into his house because it was him who flagged on me.. so result is:

Same excuses again

Art of War brings her stealther and tries to pretend it isnt her

As... she doesnt actually make any sense..?

TiMi killed Wizard but I killed TiMi!

Prettily decorated after too

Then after back straight into house O.o

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:51 am
by Calix
Yeah well played @ ava. Good to see a guild that keeps coming back despite being outnumbered. Not much you can do when we've got more people and dismounters, but well done for trying.

I took a few screens of fight @ cotd from the night before, will post up when I can find them.

Edit: Yeah lol @ Horizon's teleport location, made me giggle. Best 1 tile spot...and yes that was my fault completely you died in Despise:( Worst healer online.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:57 am
by Noxin
I have to add Timi managed to kill me because I intentionally smashed through his BLOOD OGH so wild could kill him before he offscreened, not because he outclassed me. No-one can do that!

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:59 am
by Calix
Fights tonight = 8 I-C vs 5 ava I believe? Was odd actually outnumbering our enemies for a change.

Anyway pics from cotd cpl nights ago. Was 5 of us v 3 ava...





Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:13 am
by Witchcraft
Was fun fights, but talk about putting salt in our wounds when you started using 3 dismounters instead of the initial two, just couldnt stay alive cause we didnt have the opion to run, think you guys got like 50 kill to ours 10 (maybe) all night long, I know we almost routed you once in despise when you tried to break out (played too much medieval last couple days so ROUTED is the word of choice for me atm).

Anyways, quite fun, but ease down on the dismounters, at least when youre roughly 40% more people than us lol.

And Noxin, start playing your mage again, I dont like you popping out of nowhere all the time :(

And to the CoD pics, yeah that was one more of those hopeless battles where we just get dismounted and owned :/ Back when ninja mage was a viable template it wouldnt have mattered, but now we cant seem to survive getting dropped on by 3+ when dismounted :D

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:14 am
by Witchcraft
Calix wrote:Fights tonight = 8 I-C vs 5 ava I believe? Was odd actually outnumbering our enemies for a change.
Yep we were five, with Macros, who we have taken under our wings to teach him up :)

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:21 am
by Calix
We don't plan on having 3 dexxers really, 2 is more than enough for any group of 10 people or under. The extra dismounter was Buster who's not even a PvPer, it's all he can play. Not like he switched from mage to play it~

It's just worked out that a couple of previously good mages can't be bothered to relearn timing after coming back to UO so stick to dexxers mostly. It actually hinders us more than helps.

As regards dismount in general, it really is the best way to get decisive victories now in the age of stackable pots, unlimited horse stamina, LRC, constant remove curse, etc..

You guys did well keeping yourselves alive for a decent amount of time on foot. Chiv mages are very good for that actually.

Macros should learn to calm his shittalk until he gets a bit better @ PvP by the way, you might have noticed his general lack of crosshealing on the rest of you...

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:21 am
by Nixon

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:38 am
by Witchcraft
Dont worry, give Macros a few months and he will be a really good teamplayer :)

And no, dismounting isnt required in the age of stackable pots, we wont two major fights vs you guys last week, when we were 1 more than you in both encounters, you used dismounters and we didnt, its much more intensive now though since you cant stop someone from getting healed other than MS, so that makes you have to time your spells really well and switch targets often to mess up the healers...

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:43 am
by Calix
You won fights against a group of 4 dexxers and 2 mages or something. That's like winning against Dev. You don't need to dismount anyone becouse you can just target the mages and they'll drop with no healers.

You wouldn't(and won't) get the same results against a group of 5 I-C mages.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:56 am
by Noxin
I was actually on my mage most of the day, mostly dying to guildmates in duels because of being so rusty and a new keyboard (F key clustering should be industry standardized!), but no-one else was on dexer at the time and killing the first champ we raided was such a pain without slayers etc, so I switched. then Joe logged on, then Buster logged on shortly after, but we were already out and about and they don't have mages on Drachs atm.

It's actually a topic we're discussing internally atm, we hate fielding too many dexers, but I also disagree and think a well played dismounter (rather than the crap PVP! field) is almost essential, if not in the age of stackable pots, then in the age of cheat engine and xcelerator. (not an accusation, but we all know it's annoyingly rampant)

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 4:23 am
by Witchcraft
Only one player in .aVa use speed hacks, and I guess all of you know him. :P

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:51 am
by zole
find it interesting that you actually admit that someone (candyman) speedhacks!

most people deny and deny lol.

is there no way you can get him to stop using it? :(

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:47 am
by Calix
Is that serious? You actually allow someone in your guild to use speedhack?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:56 am
by Witchcraft
well hes got over 100 ping and he lives in sweden, his ping should be 40-50, its actually comparable to you guys running tree hacks especially if anyone got a slow computer