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Buying a laptop

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:44 pm
by Lady Redname
Ok mofos

I need a new laptop, it needs to be fairly portable since it will likely be coming to Aus and Thailand next year with me, since i wont be returning home for a while it needs to be able to do pretty much everything.

It needs to be up to date enough to be able to play recentish games (i really just want to play COH) and it needs to be able to last me a few years

I also have a budget of 500 euros max (so erm, £450ish atm i guess)

if i can get a decent one cheaper that would be win, ebay is always an option as well

Any suggestions on the sort of thing i need to go for?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:58 am
by Villa